dilluns, 25 de febrer del 2013

Programació utilitzant pàgines Web

Hola a tots/es,

Aprofitant la formació del curs les TIC a l'ensenyament de les Llengües Estrangeres (CEP)

Espero que us resulti d'utilitat!


Title of the activity

What should I wear?
Age group / Level
10-11 years old / 5th (Elementary School).
- To produce a simple but coherent text using clothes vocabulary.

- To identify and use the present continuous correctly to describe current actions and to begin to talk about the immediate future.

- To listen and practice to talk about clothes topic.

- To study skills to help organize and remember key information.
- Song about clothes topic.

- Writing a short story based on a model.

- Improving learning strategies to search more efficiently for information.

-  Competency in linguistic communication

-  Competency in learning to learn

-  Competency in ICT and processing information

-  Competency in artistic and cultural aspects

-  Competency in social awareness and citizenship

1 session (55 minutes).
Materials / Resources
- Laptop computer (one for each student).
- Digital Blackboard.
- Student's book (if required).
Grouping and interaction
Pair and group work activities.

- Listen and repeat a song about clothes (using the 2nd URL).

- Classmates describe using the vocabulary of clothes.

- Select the correct picture and write a short story (about clothes topic; using the 1st URL; and each pupil can use his/her laptop computer). 
Evaluation Criteria.
- Uses ICT efficiently.

- Is capable of identifying and pronouncing correctly (about clothes).

- Is capable of participating actively in group activities both orally and in written.

- Shows interest in good presentation of written work.

- Can produce a simple but coherent text.